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The Supply Chain Work Christmas break up party…Scared?

christmas-party-productive-minds2Do all your employees find it a merry occasion?

It’s December, and suddenly overnight the office has been decked out in old tinsel and a tired looking tree with the last of the big red baubles.

You can thank the boys from dispatch who used most of the red baubles last year  as cricket balls for that impromptu match down the corridor…and didn’t the cleaner throw a “wobbly” picking up those little red shards!

In most workplaces the Christmas party is a time to celebrate and let your hair down after a busy year of doing business.

A restaurant is booked, fine food is served, along with an open bar, a couple of speeches and good natured banter.

Maybe some funny prizes are awarded and the usual Christmas bonus and a box of mince pies are handed out.

Can’t be too bad can it?

Share the happiness and love!

….But what if your one those people who find these events “a little bit trying”?

Maybe you get a little bit anxious or really just can’t be bothered with it?

shut-up-xmas-party-productive-mindsI mean to say, who can tolerate Allan from Accounting, after a “few” single malts, banging on about his racing pigeons and winning the Spotswood Inaugural Championship back in “83.

“Please shut up”, you’re thinking!

But you’re got to listen and look interested, as he plays golf with your CPO each fortnight, and you want that raise…because if you don’t get it…the world could end…or the car could get repossessed late one night!

Anxiety turns the pain up a notch.

Or what about having to sit next to your immediate superior’s personal assistant, you know the one who is always acting bossy and monitors you’re every move…or so you think!

Do you remember last years event when a drunken sales rep gave you a wink and few incoherent suggestions…where’s HR when you need ‘em… on table one getting sloshed with the CEO on the up graded Red!christmas-party-productive-minds

Avoiding these events is the first thing your brain is screaming at you…but is that going to be tolerated.

“Where’s the loyalty and team player in that”, your manager will tell you.

You really need this job if you’re to maintain your current lifestyle…or do you?

But that little doubt is WAY too scary for you.

So how are you going to get through another 5 hour seated event?

Even a 3 month overdue “ waxing” at the local beauty salon, with that sudden “rip” seems like fun in comparison!

So many things to sort out before that “party”.

Does your logistics company provide access to Coaching, Mentoring or other personal development opportunities?

Does your supply chain company really live up to its advertised work values and codes of conduct?

Do they invest in any people focussed learning and development?

Maybe it’s time to.

Retaining worker expertise is a better investment than having to recruit, induct and train all over again.

Something to think about.

Anyhow, enjoy your End of Year celebrations however you celebrate, and have yourself a safe new year.

Chris Richardson

Productive Minds



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